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AE Angelcraft Emission January 1, 2024

MMXII ORBIS TERRARUM JUDICIVM DEI  MMXII  January 1, 2024: Æ Emission Angelcraft UTC+14:   Happy New Year! Æ Bulletin. Angelcraft Emission  A.E. with you always JV MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Per Benedictvs Espiritvs Sancti La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France,  Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria…

AE Angelcraft Emission August 10 , 2023

MMXII ORBIS TERRARUM JUDICIVM DEI  MMXII August 10, 2023: Æ Section 0: UTC+14:  Home Office:  The table dates back thousands of years and has as time progressed become more common.   For thousands of years we used tables for religious purposes, to work and eat.  Now we also have desks and we use them to write,…

AE Angelcraft Emission August 8 , 2023

MMXII ORBIS TERRARUM JUDICIVM DEI  MMXII August 8, 2023: Æ  Angelcraft Emissions UTC+14: Sports:  In  Major League Baseball the Atlanta Braves have made a statement in their 2023 journey heading towards the World Series and have a ten game lead over the Philadelphia Phillies.    For the latest information about MLB Major League Baseball visit…

Æ Angelcraft Emission UTC+14

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